I'm not dead yet, but nice try
Okay so I just got back from school about a half hour ago and I was late this morning. Not because my alarm clock didnt work, but because it was raining.
Remember those little drops of rain that just come down from all directions? Well thats what it was doing here in Portland this morning. Now we havent had any heavy rain in a while so the streets have been pretty dry, meaning that oil has stayed on the roads for a while now. Well knowing this i was driving especially carefully. Anyhow, I was taking Grand Ave. to the Marqume bridge like I usually do, so that i can get onto I5, and there is this corner. Well the guy in frount of me is like going 10 mph, and usually you can go around it at about 25. Well i get pissed off at him and go into the left lane to pass as we take the corner. Im mabey going 17mph, and this is not a tight corner by any streach of the imagination. I make it out fine but then my car continues to turn, although i have straitened the wheel. I start spinning. I end up in the far left lane (I was in the middle one out of five) and completely facing the wrong direction (cause its a one way). Luckly there were no cars to my left and i slid without hitting anyone. But then a minvan was coming up fast in the lane I was in. What can I do except sit there. The other lanes of trafic are still going and a few are trying to dodge me. The minvan swerves and nearly starts sliding into traffic, luckly, the blue truck that she was cutting off saw her and slamed on his breaks [sorry about the gender roles, minivans are femineine and trucks are masculine]. I am able to turn around and get going eventually after the light turns red. The weird thing is, that I would have expected me to freak out when something like this happens. But I was increadbly calm, my heart wasn't beating any faster, and the fitst time i started to freak out about it is when i was on the freeway wondering if it could happen again.
Then on my way back home this afternoon, I was takin I5, and there were tons of semis. At one point there was one behind me to my left and my right and a semi-cab towing another semi-cab in frount of me. I kind of felt trapped.
P.S. Im going on the Freshman Escape this weekend so you will all have to suffer a few days before I can post again, because I know you love them.