GAHHHHH ! ! ! ! ! Will the Volvo Chronicles Never End? (Part: MCLXXVII)
I can't believe this! So yesterday the Volvo was fine, behaving perfectly. I did notice though driving home some strange smell--I figured it was the truck I was following, it wasn't. It didn’t smell like the smell of burning rubber, smoking break disks, overheated engine, low oil, or any other smell that I am used to by now. It did smell like dead mouse (or mole) however, which is also a bad sign, but at least that wouldn't be car related. Well I never actually discovered what the smell was.
So today I went to PCC and took my Midterm Exam for the Nutrition class that I am taking over the summer. It went...okay. Some questions were really stupid (the ones that are meant to just trick and confuse you) and others weren’t even covered in lecture, notes, or the book, so I'm not sure how she got away with giving us those questions. Anywhoo, I finish feeling kind of depressed--you know like "oh shit, i just condemned myself to a lifetime of servitude to
Well being that I hadn't filled up the car (with gas) recently I decided to stop at the Arco just off of the
My dad got home late and we had dinner with my aunt who just got back from Kashmir India, where she was attending a friends wedding (the bomb that went off in Kashmir that you probably didn’t see on the news [cause America sucks...] was literally 4 blocks from where she was staying.) So tonight at like 9:00 my dad and I took the truck and tow-cable and towed it to our extra lot from our old house. The spark plugs are fine, and everything looks in great condition--our best bet is that the fuel pump could be broken (thus wasting the $31 of gas that I just put in today). So that's my story, take it as it is: crappy.
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