Xan Directive

I am the entertainer. And I know just where I stand, another serenader, and another long-haired band. Today I am your champion, I may have won your hearts. But I know the game, you'll forget my name. And I won't be here in another year, if I don't stay on the charts.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The 700th Post on Outsiders...a.k.a. Creepy guy at Burger King from Boston Massachusetts that im pretty sure wanted to molest me, which is kinda wierd

So today I went to Burger King for lunch. And there I was just sitting eating my double-whopper when suddenly, completely out of the blue this guy walks up to me and says, "Are you from Boston, Massachusetts?" ~

I said no I wasn't and he proceded to sit down next to me and tell me how their is this kid in Boston who runs a bike shop and he looks "95%" like me. ~And then he said, "So you're Irish then." ~

And I was like, "um no. a little bit of everthing, Croatian, German, Scottish--mostly Scottish." ~

And then he says, "So you like to work, huh?" I'm like, "what?" He says, "Oh yeah those Scottish they love to work, they're good workers." And this whole time he is kind of talking in this creepy Mr. Rogers-soft-but-elegant type of speech. I was really confused by now, and was kind of hopping that he would leave, but he didn't. ~

Determined to know where I was from he said, "But you weren't Born and raised here in portland." as if he were stateing a fact. I turned to him and noded my head, and said, "Yeah I was acctually." ~

He looked at me dumbfounded, "No way! You look too healthy to be an Oregonian! Everyone here is just hideous and overweight." I was a little confused so I laughed and he said something along the lines of him not likeing Oregon, and such. Not wanting to get into a fight with a crazy guy, I just laughed and continued eating my whopper. ~

But then he asked if school was out and I said that I was my lunch break, and he asked if i went to PSU, I said that I didnt and that I went to UP. ~

He then said, "Oh yeah, thats just like Notre Dame...They have a good Soccer team don't they?" I was so confused, I just said, "Yeah, we won National Championships, there is a poster right outside on the lamp-post there." (And there was, because Mayor Potter had them put up Pilots-National Champions" posters all over Grand Ave.) ~

Hmm... this was getting wierd, finally he got bored and decided to leave, saying goodbye. Well I ate for another few minutes and then left--half expecting him to jump out of the bushes yelling and tackleing me to the ground with a knife or something. Fortunatly he didn't. But as I got to my car I noticed that three or four of the cars parked in the BK parking lot all had suspicious looking men sitting in them, all of them had earpieces and each was holding either a book or a newspaper but not acctually looking at it, instead they were looking around--surveying the area, like a stake-out, it was strange. ~

Yeah, so now I have a gun sitting on my desk.

In the fetal position

Bluuueberry muffins
Bluuueberry muffins
Bluuueberry muffins
Bluuueberry muffins
Bluuueberry muffins
Bluuueberry muffins

Salad, mushrooms, candy corn,
corn, candy, malt liquor, 7-Up,
Fred Meyers,
Jacob and his technicolor dream coat,
couchs, couches, salad, lasagnia,
evil, pickles, rassberry icing,
watches, matches, magic mushrooms,
Jingoism, Limboism,
lots of limboing under a pole,
never say never, never dare to dream,
eat lots of ice-cream,
Jesus, Mohammad,
I can't spell,
nuclear radiation and big hotels,
French fries, music, and nuclear danceing,
what the hell does that mean?
alcohol, fridge's, beatles and bugs
Rocks, socks, and 7 mugs
yahoo, google, ask jeaves, and dog pile,
each person has a certain smell,
8 below, dogs, cats, and mice,
Andy, Fred, and Brice,
Omega, Alpha, Epsilon, Pi,
nothing in common so bye bye bye
N'sync, backstreet boys, and Blue's Clues
X-Men, Power-rangers, Alladin
Rodregiz, Martineze, and Gloria too,
nothing means nothing, and then some for you
ecoli, parkinsons, and jack the ripper
magnits, arm pits, and yucky strippers
Angels in heaven, and satan on earth,
raging hormones from birth
must stop typeing cause this is lame
im going to go lay down and learn my name

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Readership is down

I have discovered a startling fact: Not very many people are reading my blogs anymore. Okay, so not many were reading them before, but I have reason to believe that even that number has decreased. So here is a breif overview of what has happened in the last few months in regards to my blogs.

Omega Zero--Formerly known as "The Omega Directive" I was forced to change the name due to some copyright disputes with Star Trek and Paramount Pictures. I have concluded the Mayan Bio's and have come full circle from where I started over a year ago, when I first Introduced the Oglamari in January of 2005. The most recent post on Omega Zero is the tie-in to my true story that I am writing in a novel form.

Species of Omega--Not much has changed for a few months, but I plan to introduse new species as well as short Bio's on the species that compose the APF and those that are allied with the Oglam Empire. IF anyone knows how to help me upload pictures onto the internet and then link them or even post them on the blog, Help would be greatly appriciated.

I.S.S. Paladin--One of the few little known blogs that I have created that has recieved no comments...ever. It chronicles the I.S.S. Paladin--the second most advanced battleship in the Terran Empire. It is placed in the Star Trek Mirror Universe and is written so that each post is a "captain's log"

TK-428--This is the newest addition to my Blog list, and it is what I promised Ben nearly two years ago. It is the story of a single Stormtrooper that makes his way up in rank durring the Clone Wars and then into the Rise of the Empire. However this is not just any Stormtrooper, this is THE Stormtrooper that is shot and killed by Leia in Episode IV. So everyone gets to finally find out that Stormtrooper TK-428 was not just an ordinary clone, but rather excelled in what he did, although he wasnt the brightest on the battlefield. So far only one post has been...posted however more are to follow soon, and with humor and tragedy all mixed up together to create a new type of blog. Okay I think i hyped it up enough for now, so im going to stop here.

Of course there will always be "The Outsiders Looking In" who recently has suffered a small decrease in posting, however I have faith that Ben and Co. will bring it back to life in no time. As for my other failed blogs, Hoverboots Anonymous died earlier this year, and my reunion blog of the Insiders Looking Out, was only temporary. And as most of you know, "3 Tuesdays in June" or "Tuesday's blog" as well as "Alive in Athol" died along with Tuesday.

So thats all for now, and I hope some of you will visit my other blogs. And don't forget to read the new posts beneith this one right here at "Xan Directive."

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

First the Volvo crashes, Then an Academic Warning, next thing i know it'll be stabbing people with forks!

Noteworthy events that have occurred within the past week or so:

~My mom was driving my 1980 Volvo 240 DL last Monday home for me at about 1:00 or so after leaving the hospital and we had just exited I5 when suddenly this gigantic bang echoes from the driver's side door panel. Neither of us had seen anything in the road way, so we assumed something had hit the window or something, we joked about it being a bird. Well we get home and go to look and there is the HUGE scrape on the driver's side rear door. It went through the paint and took a huge chunk of metal along with it. Yeah, so that sucked.

~I spent most of my time last week in the hospital helping Kristina, and so I got behind in all my classes and got extentions on a Philosophy paper, Persuation and Leadership form, and 20 Spanish worksheets.

~I went and saw Proof on campus then followed it up with a midnight run to Sharies. mmmm... Cinnamon French Toast!

~ Both the set and the characters, as well as the actions, are progressing wonderfully for Getting Out which will be performed March 1st through the 5th here at UP.

~The UP costume shop has become a place of frequent visits for me, and a central base of opperations to coordinate plans of attack and movement on the battlefield, not to mention the prime location for any rendevous.

~ My parents left for Las Vegas on Sunday, and my sister left to stay at my Great Aunt's house, so here I am all alone with only my cat to keep me company for a whole week until my parents come back Friday night.

~ I had yet another lonely Valentines day evening, following a stressful day at work and another late rehearsal.

~ Something happened to the electricity at UP today. The Power went out partially and so we lost the power to the Air-conditioning that cools the server rooms, and so all our servers overheated and blew up or something, and the fumes forced us to evacuate several buildings. Not to mention loosing power in half the classrooms. It was wierd, hopefully they will be able to fix the problem, but if not...well, thats gonna suck.

~I got my Bio midterm back today, I failed it--failed as in 40%. Yep. So that sucks. Oh and guess what? Their was an Academic Warning attached to it as well. Yep. So that sucks even more. But it isn't a HUGE problem because she takes the best two grades of our three midterms and drops the low one. So as long as I dont fuck up again I'll be okay.

~ Today was overall fairly good, Shawn and I went and got our haircuts. Then he came back over to my house and we watched the begining of Zoolander (which he had never seen before!) and then left to go buy a lotto ticket for the 300 Million powerball, but they had stopped selling them so it looks like I'll remain poor and in debt until I die. But as we were leaving to go back to rehearsal this lady in a white toyota slams on her breaks to take a left, well I wasn't able to stop fast enough and gave her a gental love tap...okay I banged into her pretty good. But fortunatly neither car was damaged or even scratched and of course even if it had caused a problem she would have just let me off with a smile and a bat of her eyelashes cause I am so dead sexy with my new haircut and all...right...but yeah then rehearsal, where I nearly broke Heather's leg by trapping it against the bed without any matress, and then stabbed her with a fork (cause our SM took my needles away!).

~Today is my cat's birthday, oh yeah, and it's my mom's birthday too--but shes in Las Vegas.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Two days in the hospital, and more to come--unfortunatly

Kristina is spending tonight in the Hospital after two Spinal Taps and loss of her ability to walk by herself. Yesterday (Monday) I got a call from Kristina saying she was freaking out and if she could come see me in the Cove. She came and she had tiny spots all over her forehead and a horrible headache. I advised her to first go to the Health Center before she called a cab to go to the hospital, like she was planning on. She went to the Health Center and they recommended that she immediately go to the ER. They called a cab for her and the ER immediately admitted her. They performed a blood-draw, CAT scan, and worst of all a Spinal Tap. During her time their they pumped her full of tons of drugs to relieve the pain. I went to the Hospital immediately after leaving the Costume Shop. When I arrived Kristina was doped up on tons of drugs already. In the time that I was there, two separate nurses came and gave her four more shots of painkillers. They decided to let her go home for the night and instructed me to take her to the pharmacy to get her prescriptions. Kristina had lost much of her awareness by this time and I did not agree with them letting her out. On the drive to the pharmacy I realized that I would not be able to do this alone, we made a detour back to UP to pick up Bridget. She helped me get Kristina into the Fred Meyers pharmacy and get the prescriptions. At this time she appeared to be going in and out of consciousness much like she had been on the way to UP to pick up Bridget, but this time more frequently and for longer periods of time. Kristina blanked out again as we were leaving the pharmacy and never really was woken back up to a state of awareness and she was very confused. The Pharmacist helped us get her back to the car, where Bridget immediately called her mother in Salt Lake City (her mom’s a nurse) to see if the symptoms Kristina was experiencing were normal for a Spinal Tap. At this time I asked Kristina if she wanted to go back to the Hospital she said “no.” Then Bridget’s mom answered that this was not normal. At the same exact time Kristina fell into a slump in the passenger seat. I was unable to wake her using standard methods (e.g. talking, requesting, shouting, lightly slapping, and pinching, [in that order]). I immediately put the car in gear and decided we were taking her back to the hospital, even if it was against her wishes. Durring the entire 10-15 minute car ride she remained in what appeared to be an unconscious state. At this time I called my parents and told them to meet us at the ER at Emanuel.

We got to the ER again and nurses helped pull her on a stretcher and rushed her back into the ER where they were able to wake her relatively easily using Ammonia under her nose. I called Betsy (Getting Out stage manager) to tell her that I would be unable to make it to rehearsal at 7. moments later my parents showed up and I was called back just after their arrival. Kristina was in shock and confused trying to answer hundreds of questions and she didn’t remember anything that had happened after we left the hospital the first time. I was able to answer most of the questions both by her and the doctors. Eventually she came around and the doctors told me that she was experiencing pseudo-seizers where she was essentially falling asleep but not loosing all consciousness and unable to wake up. By about midnight they were finally ready to release her again, I drove her back to school and Bridget, my mom, and I helped her up to her room.
Today I visited her in her room after class and she was going to go to the Health Center for her follow up. She still couldn’t walk and was still in extreme amounts of pain. I went to work and supposedly Regina (her roommate) took Kristina to the Health Center where they called for an ambulance and took her back to the ER. I was able to get off work around 5:30 and head strait over to the hospital. Where I entered a room of panic and chaos. Kristina was freaking out and Regina was trying to calm her, I asked what they were doing and Regina told me, “Another Spinal Tap.” Oh God, why? I stayed with her through the entire painful thing, it was not a fun experience to say the least. Being that Regina and I are both in Getting Out, Jason—our director called wondering why we were not at rehearsal, Regina explained, neither of us left. I stayed their until 11:15 tonight. Pat and Amanda were able to come over and spend some time with her, so that was good. Kristina is spending the night there and her mom—who I have been in constant contact with—is flying in from Vermont tomorrow around 10:30 am.

As far as the medical stuff is concerned, she was given Vicadin, Diamox, and Motrin following her first visit to the ER. That prescription has remained the same. The CAT scan, blood test and first Spinal Tap all came back negative. The only thing they could find was that she had an excess of spinal fluid in her spine, she either is producing too much, or she is unable to flush out the older fluid as the new is being created. The Diamox is a drug to cut down the creation of the spinal fluid. The second Spinal Tap was done because Kristina had lost her ability to use her legs. This is the result of something that should have registered on the Spinal Tap, and is common when the Spinal Tap is done too quickly. It was performed too soon, and therefore it would not have registered any kind of infection or disease. They had to do a second one to be sure that their was not infection, and they predicted that it might possibly be viral meningitis. However, fortunately they were able to rule this out. So now it is unclear what is causing all her pain and loss of her legs, headaches, etc.

Prayers are greatly appreciated.