First the Volvo crashes, Then an Academic Warning, next thing i know it'll be stabbing people with forks!
~My mom was driving my 1980 Volvo 240 DL last Monday home for me at about 1:00 or so after leaving the hospital and we had just exited I5 when suddenly this gigantic bang echoes from the driver's side door panel. Neither of us had seen anything in the road way, so we assumed something had hit the window or something, we joked about it being a bird. Well we get home and go to look and there is the HUGE scrape on the driver's side rear door. It went through the paint and took a huge chunk of metal along with it. Yeah, so that sucked.
~I spent most of my time last week in the hospital helping Kristina, and so I got behind in all my classes and got extentions on a Philosophy paper, Persuation and Leadership form, and 20 Spanish worksheets.
~I went and saw Proof on campus then followed it up with a midnight run to Sharies. mmmm... Cinnamon French Toast!
~ Both the set and the characters, as well as the actions, are progressing wonderfully for Getting Out which will be performed March 1st through the 5th here at UP.
~The UP costume shop has become a place of frequent visits for me, and a central base of opperations to coordinate plans of attack and movement on the battlefield, not to mention the prime location for any rendevous.
~ My parents left for Las Vegas on Sunday, and my sister left to stay at my Great Aunt's house, so here I am all alone with only my cat to keep me company for a whole week until my parents come back Friday night.
~ I had yet another lonely Valentines day evening, following a stressful day at work and another late rehearsal.
~ Something happened to the electricity at UP today. The Power went out partially and so we lost the power to the Air-conditioning that cools the server rooms, and so all our servers overheated and blew up or something, and the fumes forced us to evacuate several buildings. Not to mention loosing power in half the classrooms. It was wierd, hopefully they will be able to fix the problem, but if not...well, thats gonna suck.
~I got my Bio midterm back today, I failed it--failed as in 40%. Yep. So that sucks. Oh and guess what? Their was an Academic Warning attached to it as well. Yep. So that sucks even more. But it isn't a HUGE problem because she takes the best two grades of our three midterms and drops the low one. So as long as I dont fuck up again I'll be okay.
~ Today was overall fairly good, Shawn and I went and got our haircuts. Then he came back over to my house and we watched the begining of Zoolander (which he had never seen before!) and then left to go buy a lotto ticket for the 300 Million powerball, but they had stopped selling them so it looks like I'll remain poor and in debt until I die. But as we were leaving to go back to rehearsal this lady in a white toyota slams on her breaks to take a left, well I wasn't able to stop fast enough and gave her a gental love tap...okay I banged into her pretty good. But fortunatly neither car was damaged or even scratched and of course even if it had caused a problem she would have just let me off with a smile and a bat of her eyelashes cause I am so dead sexy with my new haircut and all...right...but yeah then rehearsal, where I nearly broke Heather's leg by trapping it against the bed without any matress, and then stabbed her with a fork (cause our SM took my needles away!).
~Today is my cat's birthday, oh yeah, and it's my mom's birthday too--but shes in Las Vegas.
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