The Sith and The Jedi: Codes and introductions
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me.
The Jedi equate the light with goodness and strength and the dark with weakness and evil. That is their tradition and it is truly no surprise that they cling to it for comfort. We however do not treat the force as a burden. We treat it as a gift, a thing to be celebrated. We use it to acquire power over others… and why should we not? Because the Jedi say we should not? We are as the Force is meant to be. The Jedi would hide that from you… they would tell you the dark side is too quick, too easy, all so that they need never challenge the passions that lie within them. Joining with us means realizing your true potential. It means not stifling yourself solely for the sake of hide-bounding shamans and their antiquated notion of order. You all have the potential to become true Sith. Only one of you, however, will succeed. You must learn for yourself. Remember you are competitors here…fight for your destiny, or go home…if you survive. Be what you were meant to be. Are you ready to learn the secrets of the dark side? Dare you?
There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.
The way of the light is long and difficult, as you must learn. Are you ready for such hardship? You have a destiny upon you that you must be prepared to face. The path you have chosen to walk is difficult. Intensive training will prepare you physically for the demands of the Order. Meditation will teach you to channel the power of the force. To truly understand the way of the Jedi, you must open your mind to knowledge. Seek wisdom in the teachings of the great masters of our order. A Jedi is never alone—others in the order will always stand by you. Do not be afraid to turn to them when you need help in your training. The way of the Jedi is difficult, it requires great discipline. Yet even though you are a mere apprentice your potential is unlimited. But do not let your head be filled with visions of glory and power! Such thoughts are the path to the dark side. I am honored to welcome you fully into the Jedi Order.