Xan Directive

I am the entertainer. And I know just where I stand, another serenader, and another long-haired band. Today I am your champion, I may have won your hearts. But I know the game, you'll forget my name. And I won't be here in another year, if I don't stay on the charts.

Monday, March 20, 2006

One if by Land, two if by Sea, three if by Air, and four if by Subterranean drilling...

As the previous post mentioned I enjoyed my spring break in the sunny and warm waters of Cancun Mexico...wait sorry, Vermont and Boston Massichusettes. Yes it was a long flight over there, Kristina and I left Portland at 11:30 pm Saturday night and got in about 11:30am the next day with a three hour layover in Chicago. The flight back was just as long except it lasted through the day instead of the night.

To all of those that have not been to Vermont, you are not missing a whole lot. The landscape is covered with "mountains" which are not much larger then the West Hills in Portland, and the occasional small town comprised of 10 houses and a church in the center. Lake Chamlain was nice and the occasional snowflake was always welcome. For those who do not know, this past winter has been extreemly strange; We got their and it was brown, meaning there was no snow on the ground. In Vermont we visited Burlington (The Bigest city in Vermont) which seemed to be no bigger then Seaside, OR. The "Downtown" district was litterally one block by 7 blocks large. We also visited the Ben & Jerry's Factory in Vermont where the company originated and travel through "THE MILKSHAKE TUNNEL OF FUN!"

Our Trip to Boston was probably the best part, we left Wendsday morning and drove to Boston where we visited Bunker Hill and walked up the 274 step monument and then traveled to the Boston State House: The Site of the Boston Masscure. We then walked up Fanal Hall and visited all the the small shops and vendors there. By this time the temperature had dropped to about 20 degrees F. so it was quite cold for me, being a Portland Native and all. We had Dinner near Fanal Hall at a wonderful Seafood Restaraunt, where I tried fresh Scallops, Swordfish, Shrimp, and some kind of White Fish that I don't rememeber the name of. We finally made it to the Hotel after becoming quite confused and in Kristina's mother's case quite angry and frustrated.

The Next Day in Boston was comprised of becoming lost and driving over the Bunker Hill Bridge twenty times or so, and then finally making it to the Boston Science Museum, followed by a quick stop to the USS Constitution and then driving back to Vermont. At the Boston Science Museum we visited the Star Wars exhibit which was the main attraction for the last month or so. It included many of the props, costumes, and models used in filming the movies. The Pictures are included in the photo album that I have linked. To say the least it was frickin awesome. We also saw a Planetariam show about the Worlds of Star Wars and if it was possible for those planets to exhist in our own galaxy. The answer: yes. They compared planets such as Tatooine and Mustifar, to planets and moons in our own solar system like Mars and Io. But not only that but they explained how planets such as Hoth and Kamino are much like what Earth was once like during the Ice ages and in its early evolution. It was extreemly interesting and brought a new level of realism to the Star Wars galaxy...Kristina and her mom both fell asleep. Before heading back to Vermont we stopped by the USS Constitution and took a few quick pictures, and looked on in amazement of the beautiful ship. Then it was back to Vermont.

While we were there Kristina's sister, Sarah, turned 17. So we had a nice little party before she had to go up and do her Math Homework, and I got her a few "nice" little cards. As for the loot, I bought two Star Wars Lego pens (one of Vader and one of Yoda), a Star Wars Book that has all the techinal information on all the locations throughout the entire Star Wars Saga, the soundtrack to Episode III, a MousePad that is acctually the Declaration of Independence, a Vermont "Stuff your own Teddy Bear," A Matrushka Doll for my mom, a Chicago Glass for my dad, a "I *Heart* NY" pink teddy bear for my sister, and a refridgerator magnet that has a picture of a Cow's butt on it and says Ben&Jerry's on it for our friend Reed, Not to Mention 3 DVDs from a Blockbuster in Vermont (The Island, Sin City, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith). Over all it was a very nice trip for spring break.


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