Xan Directive

I am the entertainer. And I know just where I stand, another serenader, and another long-haired band. Today I am your champion, I may have won your hearts. But I know the game, you'll forget my name. And I won't be here in another year, if I don't stay on the charts.

Monday, October 03, 2005

where will we be in 6000 C.E.?

I didn't mean for the title to rhyme but all the better. The title is basicly the question. See, I was reading my theology text about the Jewish faith (and I have now discovered that i am partly jewish, like five generations back) and the book was talking about Abraham. Abraham lived in about 2000 BCE (or BC) that was 4000 years ago. And, if anyone didn't already know, there was not much writing at that time if any at all. It makes me wonder; if we have stories and details about someone that was, 4000 years ago, what kind of information will people 4000 years from now have? Who will be remembered and will we be able to look down and watch the world unfold. It would be nice if Humanity keeps it together after our generation, and not destroy the planet or anything, cause heaven could be really boring then (sorry Jesus). What will be remembered about today?

I remember a movie that i watched years ago where, before entering heaven you had the choice of being reincarnated. For some people are just not ready for eternal bliss yet. So you can choose if you want to be reincarnated and who you want to be and where you want to be born and all of that. Of course you're memory is erased and so you have no memory of it when you return from earth. (the premise of the story is that this man is so anxious he forgits to get the shot to erase his memory, so he remembers his past life) ANYHOW, what if this was the case. why did all of us choose this certian point in time to be alive?

As I have done research for both religion and my story: Omega, I have discovered an unsettling fact. Most major religions, Hinduism, Buhdism, Islam, The ancient Mayans, as well as the tribes of Great Britain all forshadow an earthly demise. And all of those that had mathamatical capabilities somehow all point to a period of time between 2010 to 2015 CE (or AD)! Is this why we chose to be reincarnated at this time, so we can witness first hand the destruction of our planet through whatever means? I had this discussian with my theology professor who is so much like me its scary, and she also was questioning the same things as me.

Just something to ponder.


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