Xan Directive

I am the entertainer. And I know just where I stand, another serenader, and another long-haired band. Today I am your champion, I may have won your hearts. But I know the game, you'll forget my name. And I won't be here in another year, if I don't stay on the charts.

Monday, March 06, 2006

An End to Getting Out and midterms

We opened Wendsday the 1st of March with a bang, or rather a lack there of. So many things went wrong, the most prevelent of which involved the sound system going on the fritz with no logical reason for its failure. The other huge problem was that the Trash bucket that Heather was supposed to light on fire had not been set, so she had to crawl off stage grab the bucket and then walk back into the jail cell like nothing was wrong. But it wasn't over yet, she then realized that neither the paper nor the matches were in the bucket; so no fire could be lit, meaning the lines made no sense. And then to top it off Heather fell of the stage, thankfully she didn't hurt herself...her dignity on the other hand is a different story.

Thrusday we had a proffesonal critic come see the play, and he seemed to enjoy it. Another notable part of Thrusday was that the slaps between Bennie and Arlene were completely real...not to mention painful! Another Critic came on Saturday. Friday went half-way decent and Saturday was fairly good. The Sunday Matenee was great for my scenes, but apperently the other scenes crashed and burned...not that the audience could tell though. Saturday's show was followed by the cast party which included an unfortunate spin-the-bottle game and Heather beating me with a rose.

My Persuation and Leadership midterm was on Friday and it went...okay, Junelle and I studied backstage most of Thrusday night. My Bio midterm (which I had to do well on because I flunked the first one) was today--monday--and following a strait week of studing I was able to pull off a 43/50 (86%)! yah!

Im off to the East Coast for spring break in a few days, which should be fun. I think Kristina and her family and I will be going off to Boston or something while im visiting or something, I am still unclear on whats happening...but it should be enjoyable for I have never been to the East Coast before. Watch Out New England, here I come!


  • At 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hurray for the bio midterm. i wonder how we did for cst...this is junelle if you havent figured it out. :]

  • At 1:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    DUDE!!! Nice work on the play ;-). Haha, don't think of that spin-the-bottle game as *unfortunate*... Think of it as yet another small step towards coming out (tee hee). Take it easy, dude, and see ya Thursday night! Peace.


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